Tag Archives: food

The New Gluten Free Me!


Well, It’s been a long time coming but I finally figured out my mystery illness. I was diagnosed on Monday with Celiac Disease, an auto-immune disorder that attacks my small intestine with the consumption of wheat,rye, barley and any derivative of it. Basically, I’m allergic to wheat. This makes a lot of things in my life change, but I am ready to feel better and take it on with a smile.

Tonight I made my first gluten free dinner for myself that wasn’t packaged already. I stole the idea from a recipe called “Creamy Avocado Pasta” and made it Gluten Free!



This is how I did it:

I took about 6 ounces of Explore Asian Organic blackbean spaghetti (made out of black beans) and boiled it in water

While was that happening I peeled one avocado and placed it in my little food chopper with 2 teaspoons of lime juice, some garlic salt, and some regular salt and mixed it to the creamy consistency of hummus. When the pasta was done boiling, I drained it and combined the pasta and the sauce together on the burner that was still on with low heat. I mixed it up nice and good and there ya go! It was delicious! I wouldn’t use the black bean pasta if you didn’t have to (any pasta will do), as it stuck together in one giant clump. Maybe some olive oil would have helped that. Give it a try, tell me if you like!

Weight a minute….


Hello readers!

I’m going to go off on a NON running, but still fitness related rant here..

 I’m frustrated with the road my weight loss has taken as of late. Three years ago I was almost 180 lbs and knew I needed to do something about it, and over the last three years I’ve lost close to 40 pounds completely on my own without using any crazy crash diets or fads. I did use weight watchers to lose the initial 15 pounds but after that I just exercised and ate better. A few months ago I was down to the “last 5 pounds” My goal was 140 lbs. This is no waif of a woman.. no super model by any rate, but the weight I felt I’d be happy with. I reached that 140 lbs a few months ago. I then started trainging for my half marathon and slowly have watched my weight creep back up since the training has reached it’s peak here in the last few weeks. I’d weigh in anywhere between 143-146 and I was okay with that knowing that running was the culprit. I have to admit, being in the 145’s made me a little nervous. Apparently  145 is my “scary” number where I feel like I’m losing control(okay.. maybe just losing GRIP) of my weight loss. It’s nice to have a little wiggle room and at 140 lbs I had that.. wiggle room at 145 is 150 and that’s just pushing it too far for me. I feel I’ve worked very hard to lose and maintain the weight and it’s very important to me to stay at a healthy weight.

 I just got back from vacation this past friday and learned that I had gained 6 pounds on vacation. I’m upset by this. I knew this would happen, because it always does, but now I’m even further from my goal. I hear from some that I’m worrying to much, and that that’s where my body just wants to be. I think more likely It’s society. It’s the overweight people that are telling me this. There is nothing wrong with wanting to stay healthy and keeping a close eye on where you are. Every time I try to adapt the “just go by how your clothes fit” or “get rid of the scale” mentality I end up gaining weight.


 I’m just ready for this race to be over. I’m ready to get back to not focusing SO much on running and just living my live. Hopefully then the weight loss road will turn back to the right direction.